EUROPE/ITALY - 22 December: Renewal in the Holy Spirit with the Community Papa Giovanni XXIII parade of prayer and solidarity for the victims of human trafficking and prostitution

Friday, 21 December 2007

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Renewal in the Holy Spirit (RnS) welcomes the parade of parade of prayer and solidarity for the victims of human trafficking and prostitution promoted by the Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII on 22 December in Rome. It underlines the importance of the event at this time of the liturgical year when Christians celebrate the beginning of real life for all humanity with the Incarnation of Jesus our Saviour. The national president of
RnS Italy Salvatore Martinez, stated: “This event is first of all a celebration of the sacredness of human life always inviolable and to be defended in a society which claims to be civil and culturally advanced. As Christians we are united because, as don Oreste Benzi used to say, ‘we cannot be silent' when we see people mortify the human person with various forms of violence. We live in a culture which is increasingly more against assuming the Incarnation. This is clear if we look at the problems opened on the fronts of abortion, paedophilia, drug abuse, human trafficking, euthanasia and many other forms of evil which distort the nature of the human person. In times in which relativism and hedonism lead people to think only of a consumer culture with no perspective of transcendence, the trading of human flesh is still permitted. Against this contradiction we must unite to restore stolen values to our new generations. My presence in the parade will be a sign of profound friendship with don Oreste Benzi whom I promised I would support his battle with which we are in full agreement (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 21/12/2007; Righe 19 - Parole 272)
