VATICAN - The Pope to participants at the Meeting “New Families” of the Focolari: “Your activity is a sign of hope and encouragement to Christian families to be privileged "place" in which to proclaim the beauty of putting Jesus Christ at the centre of every day life and of faithfully following the Gospel ”

Monday, 5 November 2007

Vatican City(Agenzia Fides) - “In the face of the many social and economic, cultural and religious challenges for present day society all over the world, your truly providential activity is a sign of hope and encouragement to Christian families to be privileged "places" in which to proclaim the beauty of putting Jesus Christ at the centre of every day life and of faithfully following the Gospel”. The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI said this in his address to participants at an international New Families Meeting of the Focolari Movement on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of foundation, received in audience on 3 November.
In his address the Pope recalled that the New Families Movement, started 40 years ago within the Focolari Movement, today forms a network of 800,000 families in 182 countries “committed the making their home a ‘hearth’ which irradiates in the world testimony of family life based on the Gospel”. Benedict XVI then voiced praise for Chiara Lubich, and sent her his “good wishes, thanking her for continuing to guide the great family of the Focolari wisely and with unfailing fidelity to the Church.”
New Families are at the service of families all over the world “with important and ever timely pastoral assistance oriented in four directions: spirituality, education, sociality solidarity”. “Yours is an activity of silent and profound evangelisation - the Pope said -, to bear witness, that only family unity, a gift of God-Love, can render the family truly a nest of love, a home where life is welcomed and a school of Christian virtues and values for the children ”. Citing the theme of the Meeting - "A home built on the rock - the lived Gospel, the answer to the problems of families today" - The Pope recalled “the secret is to live the Gospel!” and at the meeting besides reports on family situations in the different contexts, the participants also listened to the Word of God and to testimonies “which show how the Holy Spirit works in hearts and in family life even in complex and difficult situations”. Benedict XVI said he hoped the New Families would “identify ways to meet the growing needs of the family today and the many challenges it faces to enable it to fulfil its special mission in the Church and in society”.
Citing the post-synodal apostolic exhortations Christifideles laici and Familiaris consortio, Benedict XVI said that in God's plan the family “is a sacred and sanctifying place to which Church, is always close and supports even more so today since the family is threatened from within and from outside. So as not to be discouraged it is necessary to call for divine assistance” and the Pope said and he urged Christian families to turn with confidence to the Holy Family, where "in God's mysterious plan the Son of God lived a hidden life for many years: the Holy Family is then the prototype and example of all Christian families" (Familiaris Consortio n. 45). (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 5/11/2007; righe 37, parole 537)
