VATICAN - The social and ecclesial situation in the countries of the continent of America in the light of Ecclesia in America: 12th meeting of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops' Special Council for America

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The post synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America makes several references to the centrality of the Word of God in the life and mission of the Church. This topical issue in view of the 12th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, and other questions concerning the life of the Church on that continent, were the focus of reflection during the 12th meeting of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops' Special Council for America, held on 9-10 October at the offices of the General Secretariat. According to a statement issued by the Holy See Press Office, the order of the day included, taking into account Ecclesia in America, consideration of the social and ecclesial situation in the countries of the continent of America.
In this regard, after noting many signs of hope and some of concern, the participants acknowledged with satisfaction promising economic development in many countries, but the need to foster more equal distribution of riches and natural resources. In this sense there is a growing ecological awareness among the people to safeguard creation and, consequently, to promote reasonable use of raw materials. There are efforts to promote greater integration, seen, usually, with favour by the Catholic Church, which strives to restore unity throughout the continent in fidelity to the spirit of communion, as it emerged from the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for America and as proposed by fundamental pastoral guidelines in the post synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America.
The migratory movement is one of the most concerning aspects. Emigration from the poorest countries to the richer countries, leads to various different consequences: from an impoverishment in human resources in the countries life by emigrants, to the social problems generated in countries which receive the immigrants. The Catholic Church runs programmes of social and religious assistance for immigrants to facilitate cultural integration and social peace. Particularly difficult the situation of immigrants who are repatriated.
Other concerns include production and trafficking of drugs, violence and political corruption, the promotion of a series of laws contrary to moral norms (laws to allow abortion and euthanasia), the infiltration of a spirit not in keeping with Christian values in the fields of education and communications. From the social point of view, a current, often neo Marxist, continues to grow causing unbalance in relations between countries and in domestic situations within the countries and tries to ignore the Catholic Church and consider it no longer a partner social dialogue.
In the ecclesial field, one consolation is the increase in vocations to the priesthood, although this varies according to country or diocese. Moreover considerable hope was fostered by the 5th General Conference of the Council of Bishops' Conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean held in Aparecida 13-31 May 2007. There was agreement on the positive aspects of the meeting and the visible continuity with the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for America. Of particular importance the awareness that the whole Church should be in a state of mission.
The other point for reflection was the expectations of the Church in America with regard to the 12th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the 'Word of God in the life and mission of the Church' to be held next year 5 to 26 October 2008. The participants said the particular Churches approved of the theme and the Bishops' Conferences are busy answering the Lineamenta.
Not lacking in America positive signs with regard to the repercussions of the post synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis. The papal document gave new impulse to the celebration and adoration of the eucharistic mystery. The Exhortation also gave new impulse to animation of charity, through various initiatives, for example, the organisation of a Seminar on Charity to offer the possibility of expressing solidarity as a missionary dimension of the Eucharist. In view of the next International Eucharistic Congress in Montreal, Canada, a popular summary of Pope Benedict XVI's Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis is being prepared. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 16/10/2007 - righe 53, parole 671)
