ASIA/CHINA - She Shan Marian Shrine in a Shanghai welcomes Catholics from many different regions: “May Our Lady Help of Christians protect mission in China, the path to unity" Chinese Catholics rally to Holy Father's call

Monday, 16 July 2007

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - She Shan Marian Shrine in a Shanghai, “ dedicated to the liturgical memorial of Our Lady, Help of Christians, who is venerated with great devotion at the Marian Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai.”(Pope Benedict XVI Letter to the bishops, priests, consecrated persons and lay faithful of the Catholic Church in the Peoples Republic of China, n.19) continues to welcome Catholics, especially young people on summer holidays, from various regions of China. According to a priest in the diocese of Shanghai: “This is a sign of the hope of the Church in China, the hope for evangelisation and vitality of a Church anxious to accelerate its move towards unity so recommended by the Pope in his lovely Letter addressed to us and made public on 30 June. Our shrine is a symbol of the faith. The fact that the Pope mentioned it in his letter has led many more Catholics than usual to make their way here. We pray that Our Lady help of Christians may protect mission in China the path to unity ”.
The priest said the diocese has made sure the Pope's Letter is widely diffused: “We know that other dioceses and Basic Ecclesial Communities are also working for this. The Internet is very helpful for evangelisation and the message can be downloaded and e-mailed easily. We were unhappy to hear that there are rumours in Europe that the web sites have been blacked out. These voices are not good for mission in China and this is irresponsible, particularly at this important moment” said the priest. “We hope all Catholics will rally to the Pope's call to work for unity with prayer and action and that Our Lady help of Christians may protect mission in China the path to unity” .
(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 16/7/2007 - righe 29, parole 337)
