VATICAN - Prayers for Lent: Ave Regina Caelorum Hymn

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Hail, Queen of heaven;
Hail, Mistress of the Angels;
Hail, root of Jesse;
Hail, the gate through which the
Light rose over the earth.

Rejoice, Virgin most renowned
and of unsurpassed beauty,
and pray for us to Christ

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Ave Regina Caelorum is a hymn to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The opening words Hail Queen of Heaven, form one of four Marian antiphons contained in the Liturgy of the House. This antiphon was included by Pope Clement VI. The antiphon was sung especially from the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple until Holy or Maundy Thursday.
The origin of the prayer is mysterious, the author unknown. It is thought to date to the 12th century, composed some say by Saint Bernard or Brother Contractus. It was formerly called a “processional antiphon”. The verse “Rejoice, Virgin most renowned” is very early. The hymn is compared with the Orthodox Marian Hymn Akathistos. Ave Regina Caelorum is usually divided into two verses and may conclude with Oremus, Let us Pray.
What is said in the Ave Regina about Mary is always in relation to Christ, King of the Universe. Theologically the expression «radice feconda» recalls that Mary is the root of Jesse, the father of King David. Mary is called gate of heaven because in Christian theology the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are the gates to paradise. The words « the gate through which the Light rose over the earth » refers to the birth of Jesus, light of the world for those who believe in Him. The hymn also refers to Mary as Mediatrix of all graces. Lastly the verse «Rejoice O glorious Virgin Mary», recalls the «Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria» of the similar Marian hymn Regina Coeli. (J.M.)
(Agenzia Fides 20/2/2007; righe 23, parole 328)
