New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - To form lay Catholics in view of cooperation with pastoral work and ever more convincing Christian witness in society the Laity Commission of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India recently organised a Seminar for Lay Catholics representing the ten Catholic dioceses of the south west Indian state of Karnataka. The course was held at the National Catechetics Centre in Bangalore, and lectures were given by bishops, and other experts all of whom encouraged the participants to “work for the Church with a clear and conscious vision of mission to build a better society”, said Bishop Peter Machado of Belgaum diocese who spoke about the role of the lay Catholic in the parish and in society to spread values connected with the culture of life, “even when there appears to be darkness all around”.
The purpose of the Seminar was to form lay people to be “disciples of Christ”, more active in the life of the Church and in society and able to lead others to do the same to work together to build a human community in harmony and solidarity. The participants thanked the Commission for the Laity for planning the seminar and said they hoped what they had learned would enable them to help to improve social conditions in the state of Karnataka.
To have a complete picture of the activity of the laity in the Church and their involvement in helping with pastoral work the Commission had sent a questionnaire to every diocese.
The Commission noted increased missionary awareness among lay adults and young people and growing numbers of people who decide to dedicate a year or two to mission life, leaving a job to work for evangelisation, works of charity or service in Church life. Today many lay Catholics are involved in missionary work as families, small groups striving to spread the Word of God’s love among the poorest of the poor. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 4/10/2006 righe 26 parole 265)