Maumere (Agenzia Fides) - "At this time of the school year that is coming to an end, we have had good results in the field of vocations. We Camillians try to get involved as much as possible in many small things, not only in the field of vocations, but also with our social and charitable initiatives," says Father Luigi Galvani, a pioneering missionary in the diocese of Maumere, where the Camillian missionaries are active in three dioceses with four seminaries, two social centers where they coordinate a feeding program for 160 poor children, support for about twenty needy students, a project of 'special houses' for the mentally ill from oppressive situations, and finally a small project for the production of mineral water and 'St. Camillus' ice cream.
"In June and July," explains the Italian missionary, "several deacon ordinations are planned in the various missionary institutes. On Sunday, June 2, 48 deacons of the Divine Word Missionaries were ordained, on June 7, another 8 deacons of the Carmelites will be ordained and on Sunday, June 9 and 27 interdiocesan deacons (dioceses of Maumere, Ende, Ruteng, Larantuka and Denpasar) will be ordained. On July 14, the feast of our founder, Saint Camillus de Lellis, five deacons of the Camillians will follow. In the coming months, numerous novices of the various male and female institutes in the diocese of Maumere, which currently number 62 religious orders, will also take their religious vows."
"All these encouraging results of the vocations ministry," the missionary concluded, "certainly reward the efforts of the various commissioners, but they are also a testimony to the faith and missionary spirit of hundreds and hundreds of families on the island of Flores, which remains the most Catholic of the 17,000 islands of the Indonesian archipelago. Perhaps this is also why Flores is called the 'promised land' of vocations". (LG/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 4/6/2024)