Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "Bishop Timothée Bodika Mansiyai of Kikwit, is deeply saddened to announce to his faithful and to all people of good will the sad news of the death of Father Godefroid Pembele Mandon. We recommend the soul of the deceased to your prayers," reads the death notice signed by Father Francis-Emmanuel Kimwanga, Chancellor of the Diocese of Kikwit, and read on diocesan radio on August 7, 2022.
"Fr. Pembele was shot dead by gunmen during a raid on the church in the parish of St. Joseph Mukasa in Kikwit on the night of August 6-7, 2022. He was taken to Kinshasa and died there on Sunday, August 7, 2022, at Olive Lembe Kabila Hospital in Nsele district.
Also during the night, from August 6 to 7, 2022, another parish in Kikwit, the parish of Saint Murumba, was attacked by gunmen "who robbed women who were preparing for the first Mass of a new priest and a catechists took away many personal belongings", say the
In a statement of condolences, Mr. Thesky Mayoko, a prominent representative of the local community, wrote: "I share the grief of the entire Catholic Christian community of the city of Kikwit. And I strongly condemn this barbarism that is currently prevailing in the city of Kikwit. I appeal the political authorities and the administration of the city of Kikwit to launch a judicial investigation to identify all perpetrators so that they can be held accountable in court". (P.M.) (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides, 10/8/2022)