Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - In the attack, which took place yesterday, Sunday June 5, on the Church of Saint Francis of Owo, in Ondo State, no priest was kidnapped. This was announced in a statement sent to Agenzia Fides by the diocese of Ondo. "On Pentecost Sunday, when all Catholics go to church to celebrate this solemnity, unidentified armed men attacked the church of San Francisco de Owo", reads the statement. "The aggressors have caused numerous victims and injuries. The identity of the attackers is not yet known and the massacre has devastated the community". According to press sources, at least 50 people were killed by the commando who fired on people outside and inside the church building, killing and injuring the faithful.
"All the priests and the bishop are safe and none of them have been kidnapped as some social media erroneously reported", clarifies the diocese of Ondo. "At this point in the history of our dear country, Nigeria, we need God's definitive intervention to restore peace and tranquility", the statement continues. "The Bishop asks everyone to remain calm, to respect the law and to pray for peace and the return to normality in our community, in our state and in our country" he concludes. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides, 6/6/2022)