Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - On the fifth "National Day of Reconciliation", which is celebrated today, May 3, the Bishops have sent a message to the Colombian people to remember "the steps that, as a Colombian society, we have taken in the construction of reconciliation and peace" and they observe that it continues to be a challenge, "for each one, to believe that one more step can be taken on this path that leads us to recognize the liberating centrality that truth entails". The Bishops recall the words of Pope Francis, during his visit to Villavicencio, on September 8, 2017, in which he exhorted Colombians "not to be afraid to ask for and offer forgiveness", to "overcome enmities, heal wounds, build bridges, defuse hatred and renounce revenge". They also invite the entire population to continue taking steps in this direction "and keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus, who died on the Cross, He teaches us to transform pain into life". Finally, they exhort "to keep the commitment to be artisans of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace, so that we make the prophetic words come true: 'Love and truth will meet, justice and peace will embrace each other' (Psalm 85:11). We Colombians deserve reconciliation!". In the Extraordinary Plenary Assembly of November 2017, the Colombian Bishops met to deepen the Magisterium of Pope Francis during the Pope's visit to Colombia (September 6-11). The "National Day of Reconciliation" was then unanimously approved, to be celebrated every May 3, on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This day remembers the great "Prayer Meeting for National Reconciliation" held in Villavicencio on September 8, 2017, presided over by the Holy Father. The four "keys" proposed by the Episcopal Conference to actively live this day are: the need for reconciliation; let us not tire of praying for reconciliation; let us seriously commit ourselves to reconciliation; let us cultivate, appreciate and promote the values that move us to live reconciliation. The Department of Liturgy of the Permanent Secretariat of the Episcopate (SPEC), has prepared a subsidy for the animation of the Holy Mass on this day, with indications for the prayer of the faithful and a prayer for peace in Colombia. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 3/5/2022)