AMERICA/PERU - Bishops call for a joint effort to achieve political stability

Tuesday, 8 February 2022 social situation   politics   episcopal conferences  

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - Faced with the political crisis that Peru has been going through for some time, in addition to the third wave of the Covid 19 pandemic, the ethical, moral and ecological crisis, the Bishops of the country urgently ask to "work all together for the transformation of Peruvian society, directing our efforts and our will for the resumption of politics, the economy and the work activity of all the social actors".
On June 6, 2021, Pedro Castillo, leader of the extreme left, won the ballot for the presidency of the Republic by just a few votes over his opponent Keiko Fujimori, the conservative right candidate and daughter of the former president and dictator of Peru. This apparent division in the country has led to instability and ungovernability, with charges of inability to President Castillo, who has changed the members of his cabinet four times since taking office, has been accused of incompetence. The bishops have repeatedly stressed the need to overcome the crisis that the country is facing in various areas and called on people to unite for the common good (see Fides, 28/6/2021; 28/7/2021; 4/8 / 2021; 8/11/2021; 22/1/2022).
In their joint communiqué published on February 7, 2022, the Peruvian bishops now call on the authorities at the highest level to "take seriously their obligations and their responsibilities in seeking political and democratic stability and the common good and not for their own or ideological interests". It is necessary "to correct errors and avoid greater uncertainty among the citizens", because "the Peruvian people need their authorities, in the person of politicians who are unassailable and adequately prepared to carry out their tasks". The bishops affirm: "We urgently need good politics and the participation of citizens in the ethical control of their authorities... citizens demand respect for institutionality and political legitimacy in governance". They are therefore making "an urgent appeal to the government authorities to show clear signs of governability". Finally, citing Pope Francis' Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" and the Church's social teaching on the nature and purpose of politics, the bishops emphasize that "it is essential to strengthen the democratic order and to respect the constitutional order of Peru" and invite all citizens to "pray for Peru". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 8/2/2022)
