Prensa Latina
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - "Yes, drugs kill: we cannot afford to ignore this tragedy and so many others that happen every day. We are deeply moved by the deaths of young people and adults as a result of drug use, we cry together with his family and friends for so much pain and helplessness, we accompany so many struggles with our prayers and closeness". This is what the Bishops of the pastoral region of Buenos Aires write in their message entitled "You are not alone, let us cry together: drugs kill".
According to information gathered by Fides, a shipment of poorly cut cocaine, purchased in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, has caused 20 deaths and more than 80 hospitalizations in recent days. The Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires has urged the population not to consume it and those who have done so and show signs of drowsiness or respiratory crisis to go immediately to the hospital. The police seized more than 20,000 doses of poorly cut cocaine and carried out numerous arrests.
The Catholic Church and other Christian confessions reiterate their commitment to help drug addicts and other people, denouncing: "Addiction: it's a cry! it cries out with anguish, it cries out for help, drug addiction has been spreading, deepening and becoming more complex". That is why they exhort to make this pain their own. Since this issue cannot be postponed, an "Emergency Law on Addictions" is necessary as soon as possible. Many mothers and fathers suffer from their children's addictions, "a family with consumption problems is a broken family, but not defeated, God is the strength of the weak, and where there is a need, an open and compassionate heart always appears". To those who see the legalization of drugs as a particular solution to the damage caused by the so-called "adulterated drug", the Bishops reiterate that "the decriminalization of consumption, the legalization of substances, will only lead to more consumption and marginalization".
Warning against addiction to so many social problems that after a period of time are neglected or forgotten, the Bishops highlight that "Human Rights that have been violated must move and mobilize us: we cannot be indifferent, let us reconnect with others, listen 'with the heart'." The Bishops of the pastoral region of Buenos Aires once again ask all of society "to work together strongly in the prevention of addictions", opening more spaces for Chapels, Clubs and Schools, giving space to those who do not have it, supporting the Work of the Houses of Christ: reception centers, healing and social reintegration. "Let us not tire of asking the authorities of the National State to deal with the mechanisms of corruption at all levels, which feed this drug trafficking circuit, which destroys so many neighborhoods, communities, families, brothers". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 7/2/2022)