VATICAN - The latest issue of the POSI bulletin: The value of witness for the life of children

Monday, 31 May 2021 pontifical mission societies   missionary animation  

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "In this time still oppressed by the pandemic it seems out of place to speak of joy, of joyful witness, but for us Christians it should be something natural, spontaneous that is strengthened precisely in these moments", writes in the editorial of the latest issue of the Bulletin of the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood (POSI), Sister Roberta Tremarelli, Secretary General of POSI, who shares with the readers the joy "which also derives from the many testimonies that reach the International Secretariat from all over the world and nourish us with hope and trust". Sister Roberta reminds us that "one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is joy, the joy of God which impels us to proclaim and bear witness to the dead and risen Christ for the salvation of every man and woman of all times. And who more than a child and youth today can be an influencer of joy, which amazes and strikes".
The focus of this May 2021 Bulletin is dedicated to "The value and meaning of witness in the lives of children and adolescents today", with an article by Fr. Adamar A. Peña, psychologist, from the Archdiocese of Huambo in Angola, who writes: "The child and adolescent group of the Missionary Childhood are, first of all, disciples of Jesus who, rather than trying to announce the Good News of Salvation and the great News of the Risen Christ, should seek to give a good testimony of life, which translates into being and acting as baptized. And if they are consistent in the values they believe in, this has very positive psychological effects, because they produce serenity and reduce anxiety in everyday life".
Sister Geneviève Uwamariya, from Rwanda, speaks of children as "pure-hearted missionaries" capable of converting others: "For children, anything is possible. They remember perfectly what they have learned of the word of God and they repeat it with conviction to their parents and friends, making sure, for example, that parents begin to attend Mass again". The testimony of Teresita Castillo de Diego is then presented, a girl adopted by a couple from Madrid, who at the age of 10 offered her suffering "to bring others to Jesus". From her hospital bed she encouraged the children to be missionaries, wishing them to be happy, to be friends with Jesus and to be like him.
In the new issue of the POSI Bulletin there is ample space, as usual, for the presentation of the activities of the national Directions of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the world, in this time still marked by the pandemic: Romania, the United States of America, Tunisia, Portugal, Slovakia , Spain, Chad, Australia, French-speaking Canada.
The panorama of the initiatives of the small missionaries widens with the presentation of activities and commitments in the dioceses of eastern Russia (diocese of St. Joseph Irkutsk); Central African Republic (diocese of Bouar); France (diocese of Draguignan); Algeria (diocese of Laghouat - Ghardaïa); Burkina Faso (diocese of Dedougou); Bangladesh (diocese of Mimensingh); Kazakhstan (diocese of Almaty). Finally, two other realities emerge "between the lines" of the projects supported by POSI: education and formation for destitute children in the parish of Ai Nghia, in the diocese of Da Nang, in Vietnam, and the "News from the Banana Camp" of the diocese of Vanimo, Papua New Guinea. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 31/5/2021)
