Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - "You are all Brothers": the expression of Jesus, taken from a verse of Matthew's Gospel ("As for you, do not be called 'Rabbi.' You have but one teacher, and you are all brothers", Mt 23, 8) has been chosen as the official slogan of Pope Francis' apostolic trip to Iraq scheduled for March 5-8, 2021. The words of Jesus, written in Arabic, frame the logo of the visit, made public by the Chaldean Patriarchate, also intentionally referring to the title of the Pope's last Encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”.
In the logo, on a white background, there is a photo of Pope Francis waving, together with the stylized drawing of the map of the country, crossed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The image of a palm tree and the white dove flying above the flags of the Vatican and the Republic of Iraq, carrying the olive branch, a symbol of peace, complete the symbolism of the logo.
A month ago, in a message addressed "to Christians and to all Iraqis" (see Fides, 10/12/2020), Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako had written that the announced apostolic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq will be for the Iraqi baptized and for the whole Middle East a providential opportunity to make a "pilgrimage" of conversion and a "return to our first sources", and to announce with more enthusiasm the salvation promised in the Gospel, for the benefit of all. For this reason - added the Patriarch - everyone must be vigilant so that this favorable circumstance does not pass "without leaving any traces in us, in our Church and in our country". (GV) (Agenzia Fides, 11/1/2021)