EUROPE/GERMANY - Star Singers: "the faithful still want their Christmas blessing" even in times of pandemic

Monday, 21 December 2020 missionary animation   pontifical mission societies  

Aachen (Agenzia Fides) - It is with great regret that the leaders of the 63rd Campaign of the "Star Singers" ("Die Sternsinger") following the lockdown imposed by the German government from December 16 to January 10 to fight the spread of the pandemic, had to renounce the usual door-to-door visits of the children of Missionary Childhood. "The faithful still want the blessing from our Star Singers. That is why our campaign this year will take place in a new, without contact and in a creative way, but above all as a sign of solidarity with the children of the world", said the President of the Missionary Childhood and National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Germany (Aachen), Fr. Dirk Bingener.
Among other things, the organizers will use online tools, such as visits by the Star Singers in digital format. Stickers with the blessing "C + M + B" ("Christus mansionem benedicat", Christ bless this house) will be sent by post and made available on the occasion of church celebrations. The campaign will be extended until February 2. "This means that everyone will have more time to receive the blessing", underline the organizers.
"Missionary Childhood groups will also develop special forms for visits to hospitals and nursing homes. After a year of restrictions in contacts, we do not want to leave the people who are in these institutions alone". The offerings in favor of Missionary Childhood can this year be given on the occasion of liturgical celebrations or sent by Internet. Dressed in their costumes of Magi, with their Star and their songs during Christmas time and in the early days of the new year the "Star Singers" go around visiting German homes. About 300,000 children from Catholic parishes in Germany usually bring blessings to the families, collecting donations for other children their age who suffer throughout the world. (MS) (Agenzia Fides, 21/12/2020)
