Tuesday, 9 September 2003

Lagos (Fides Service) – Africa is more than ever today a land of contradiction, swinging between a search for modernity often imposed by the West and a return to old customs and laws which violate human rights. Emblematic is the case of Nigeria, about the launch its first satellite projected and built in Africa and at the same time preparing to stone to death a women “caught in adultery”. From throwing the first stone to throwing the first satellite. A scene in the film 2001 Journey into Space comes to mind. A piece of bone thrown by cave man turns into a space ship to symbolise humanity’s progress in history. Today, in 2003, technological progress and barbarism of uncivil legislation live side by side, and not only in Nigeria or in Africa: the case of Nigeria serves as a symbol of today’s tormented humanity.
Let’s hope anyway that Nigeria’s space programme will serve for peaceful ends for example a satellite to help Africans exploit their own resources; weather forecasting, communications etc. This would make the Nigerian satellite launching something to celebrate for those who have the good of Africa at heart. We hope the project will not be for war. Only ten years ago racist South Africa had ambitions to use space for military purposes. The end of apartheid put an end to these ambitions and left Nigeria today to take space primacy in Africa. LM (Fides Service 9/9/2003 EM lines 38 Words: 478)
