AFRICA/KENYA - A Catholic university one of the first in Africa

Monday, 28 November 2005

Nairobi (Fides Service)- On October 10 Internet Lab, an international organisation specialised in scientific and technological and higher education research, classified the University of South Africa 7th as one of Africa’s 100 best institutions of higher education.
The classification was based on various elements including, research, equipment, general contribution to graduates’ knowledge and quality. The support programme of UNISA, founded in 1999, has extended to world level.
When it was born there were 25 refugee students from Ethiopia, Burundi, Congo and Sudan. Janet Munywoki, regional Advocacy head of Jesuit Refugees Service (JRS) East Africa said: “We are very happy. I am convinced that the quality of the programmes and sudents helped produce this result”.
In Kenya, JRS runs and controls official instruction of UNISA. Most refugee students study for a degree and at present six students have completed their studies with success.
When the centre opened there were difficulties such as delay in reception of text books and insufficient lighting. However things changed. Recently 10 new computers were installed for 30 students and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees UNHCR, gave the college a powerful new generator. Soon the computers will be connected with the Internet. A giant step for JRS and UNISA students. They will be able to download textbooks and hand in homework and sit some exams on line.
Today UNISA has 200,000 students most live in southern African countries. The main campus has 3,500 staff members and its library is the largest in the southern hemisphere. UNISA merged with Technicon SA and Vista University classified respectively 48th and 86th on a list of 100 best African universities at the beginning of 2004. UNISA has a staff of 4,500 , 2,000 teachers and 2,500 supporting staff. (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2005 righe 32 parole 340)
