Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On January 5, 2017, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed rev. Stanislas Savarimuthu, of the diocesan clergy of Pondicherry-Cuddalore as Rector of the "Good Shepherd" Interdiocesan Major Seminary in the Diocese of Coimbatore, India.
The new rector was born on November 6, 1965 and was ordained a priest on April 30, 1992. He holds a PhD in Biblical Theology. He has been a formator for 19 years at the St. Peter's Seminary in Bangalore. He was then appointed Acting Rector of the same Seminary and Vicerector. He was a pastor in various communities; Secretary of the diocesan Commission of Tiruchirapalli for the bible, catechesis and liturgy; Regional secretary of the liturgical Commission of Tamilnadu; Professor of liturgy; has held seminars and conferences for priests and nuns. He is the author of books and articles in English and Tamil. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 22/06/2017)