AFRICA/ZAMBIA - Entire community reflects on education and early marriages on the opening day of the new school

Tuesday, 1 March 2016 education  

CCS Italia

Nguluwe (Agenzia Fides) – On 5 February, Opening day for newly renovated Nguluwe School , (see Fides 1/2/2016), was a great success. A report sent to Fides by Italian NGO CCS Italia (Centro Cooperazione Sviluppo Onlus), promoter of the event, highlighted its focus on the importance of promoting education and the need to prevent early marriage. The event involved the entire community, pupils, parents, teachers, grandparents and other family members, from 10 nearby villages. as well as village elders and chiefs. The day’s programme included debates on education involving also the older people present, alternated with traditional dances performed by the Ngoni, one of the largest tribes in the area, and a play performed by the school children themselves, to sensitise about the issue of early marriage and the serious problem and effects of school dropout. (AP) (1/3/2016 Agenzia Fides)
