AMERICA/PERU - “Promoting peace, the community of peoples and the common good”: a theme of the 8th Social Week focused on social principles of “Gaudium et spes”

Tuesday, 11 October 2005

Lima (Fides Service) - In the framework of celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of “Gaudium et spes” by Vatican II, the Catholic Bishops of Peru (CEP) will focus the 8th national Social Week 18 to 21 October at San Antonio College Bellavista-Callao on the theme “Promoting the common good: joys and hopes of Peru today” and how to apply the social principles of “Gaudium et spes” in present day Peru.
The event is organised by the CEP commission for social action (CEAS), and Caritas Peru, CEP commission for communications and department for pastoral of human mobility and sponsored by the Catholic University of Peru CUP, the University Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, University Sedes Sapientiae with the collaboration of the United States Catholic Bishops Conference and CAFOD (Caritas England and Wales). “In the mornings 150 pastoral workers from all over the country in groups will reflect on themes to be developed in the afternoon” said Paula Franco Ochoa a member of CEAS. The day’s work will start with prayer and a brief report on the work of the previous day, panel discussion with experts on themes to be debated in dialogue with the participants.
“Principles of Gaudium et spes, culture and common good” is the title of the opening conference by Prof. Denis Biju-Duval, docent of Social Doctrine at the Lateran University in Rome. Wednesday 19 Dr. Javier Iguiñez, head of PUC Economic studies department, will speak on “Social economic life and common good”. There will follow a debate moderated by Fr Ricardo Antoncich, SJ, professor at Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University. Thursday 20 October Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace will speak on “Life of the political community and the common good”. Political leaders will be among the guests at a panel discussion presided by Bishop Crepaldi. Friday 21 October Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Tegucigalpa President of CELAM’s department for Justice and Solidarity will address the theme “Promoting peace, the community of peoples and the common good”. The 8th Social Week will close with a solemn celebration of Mass. (RZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/10/2005, righe 30, parole 399)
