AFRICA/KENYA - The rich North is like the ‘rich man’ but ‘Lazarus’ Africa deserves real aid not scraps. Bishops of Kenya Letter Pastoral on external debts of poor countries

Monday, 23 May 2005

Nairobi (Fides Service)- “Kenyan debt is the cause of oppression, of poverty, we dare say of neo-modern slavery” the Catholic Bishops of Kenya said in a Pastoral Letter “On the Burden of International Debt” date 17 May 2005. “Kenya has been the recipient of a cumulative total of 17 billion US$ in loans and aid. “In spite of this huge amount of money, Kenya has witnessed a progressive decline of its economy. Today, the vast majority of Kenyans live below the poverty line, while a small minority enjoys a life style higher than that of developed countries” the Bishops said.
The total external debt of Sub-Saharan countries is US$ 231 billion, at the same time, the Gross Domestic Product of these countries was just about US$350 billion. “In other words, African countries cannot pay back their debts and sustain development. Most countries have to spend more than twenty percent of their revenues to service the debt, i.e., to pay annual quotas of debt and the interests generated so far” the Bishops wrote.
The cause of this situation, the Bishops said, is in the first place the international funding system but also corruption and bad management on the part of African governments, which often put funds received to bad use. So “why should the poor in our country, who have nothing to say about accruing the debt and have received little or no benefit from it, have to bear the greater burden of its payment?” said the Bishops calling for more public involvement in the country’s economic and social policies: “We persistently continue to call on our governments to establish democratic structures and just policies in order to deal with famine, wages, working conditions, exploitation, conflict and insecurity...Even if all Kenyans were hardworking people, living together peacefully and governed by virtuous leaders, they would still be poor because of debt service payments…Debt servicing was Kenya's single largest budgetary item in the budget 2003/2004 accounting for 32 per cent of the entire budget -more than the country spent on education and health combined”.
Therefore developed countries and international financial institutions must play their part. Recalling the parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31), the Bishops said “The efforts at debts cancellation that were made till now could be compared to the scraps that Lazarus hoped he could feed on at the rich man's table: they are illusory promises without real substances. Lazarus still died of hunger and disease! Besides, eating scraps of food that fall from a table is not in line with the dignity of human beings: it is fitting for pets! Giving to others scraps rather than what they deserve means basically treating them in a sub-human way, not as human beings!!”
This is why, in view of important international events during which the question of international debt will be discussed (G8 Meeting in July, UN Millennium Assembly in September, etc.), the Bishops of Kenya call on creditor countries to implement the total cancellation of debts and to remember the aid promised for the development of the continent of Africa. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/5/2005 righe 41 parole 530)
