AMERICA/HAITI - Nine Haitian Redemptorists have been ordained

Monday, 1 June 2015

Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - During a celebration in the presence of many faithful, in the parish of San Gerardo in Puert au Prince, the feast of the Holy Trinity, 9 Redemptorist deacons (CSSR) were ordained yesterday. The celebration was presided by the Bishop of Les Cayes, Cardinal Chibly Langlois, who concelebrated with many priests and missionaries who came from neighboring villages. The new priests had continued their studies also out of Haiti because of the earthquake that devastated the island in 2010 (see Fides 16/01/2013).
The presence of the Redemptorists in Haiti dates back to 1929 and is very important for the local Church. Before the earthquake of 2010, the Redemptorists had opened missionary homes, care centers, parishes and a very big school in the capital. "A special Redemptorist experience is the preaching of the popular Missions in the framework of the Alfonsiana Family. Redemptorists work in partnership with the Companions of Jesus, a native congregation of sisters founded by Father Josef Claessens, a Redemptorist of Belgian origin, and with the Holy family, a secular movement of missionary animations in the parishes, also founded by Josef Claessens in the 70s. It is a service much appreciated by the Church of Haiti", said one of General Consultors of the Redemptorists in his last visit to the island. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 01/06/2015)
