Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – To re-create harmony, security and confidence among the Christians of Youhanabad, the district of Lahore hit by the two recent attacks on Christian churches: is the aim of the meeting organized in recent days by the "Council for Interreligious Dialogue" in Lahore and the "Interfaith conference of peace", both organizations present in the city, working for interreligious dialogue. As Fides learned, the coordinator of the Council, Fr. Francis Nadeem OFM Cap, together with Edward Qaisar, organizers of the meeting, brought together leading Muslim and Christian leaders, scholars, intellectuals, civil society representatives and local residents of Youhanabad.
The participants discussed in depth the social and religious situation in Pakistan. All agreed that "there is an ongoing effort to increase conflicts and misunderstandings among Christian and Muslim citizens in the country", says Fr. Nadeem, who is the provincial superior of the Capuchin Friars of Pakistan.
"The efforts carried out by forums and organizations like ours - he continues - have produced fruitful results and have been able to develop religious harmony in the country. We strongly condemned the acts of terrorism and the killing of innocent people in Pakistan and other countries of the Middle East".
The participants also lit candles as a symbol of peace, launching an appeal to the government and political leaders so that they adopt initiatives for harmonious and peaceful development in Pakistan. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/05/2015)