Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) – “No less than 30% of the phials collected during the recent anti-tetanus campaign sponsored and promoted by the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, contain HGG” said a statement issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Kenya, and sent to Fides, regarding a final report from the scientific commission charged with supervising the anti-tetanus vaccination campaign carried out from March to October 2014.
The Commission was charged by the local Catholic Church and the Health Ministry in Kenya to verify whether the vaccines used in the anti-tetanus campaign contained the subunit Beta HCG which would make it a subreptitious means of birth control (see Fides 19/11/2014).
However Kenya’s health ministry withdrew from the Joint Commission on the eve of the publication of the final report which demonstrated that 30% of the phials examined, coming from the stock used by the campaign sponsored by WHO and UNICEF, contained the Beta HCG subunit.
“It is immoral, non-ethical that WHO and UNICEF should sponsor and fund such an inhuman campaign in our country” the Bishops say, calling on those bodies to apologise to “the children and the women of Kenya”, whose trust they betrayed. “A campaign of vaccination must never be undertaken without strict control of the vaccines used, before, during and after it is carried out ” the statement concludes. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 17/2/2015)