AFRICA/GUINEA - Ebola outbreak in West Africa

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Conakry (Agenzia Fides) - Ebola outbreak that had already hit Guinea in April (see Fides 01/04/2014) is now spreading in Sierra Leone. The number of confirmed cases in Guinea in recent weeks has increased. On May 30, according to the local Ministry of Health, 178 cases were confirmed, while 113 people have died. The epidemic has spread to Boffa, on the coast of Guinea, and Telimele, in the region of Kindia. New patients have also been registered in Conakry, Gueckedou and Macenta. The increase in cases may be due to patients' reluctance in going to hospital. Another problem is the transport of those infected and dead bodies. Families often personally transport the bodies to organize funerals in other cities.
The increase in infected areas makes it difficult to treat patients and control the epidemic. An emergency team was sent by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to Sierra Leone.
According to information from the Ministry of Health, since the end of May there has been one confirmed case and four deaths in Koindu, in Kailahun, the epicenter of the epidemic, in the district of Sierra Leone near the border with Guinea. On 29 May, authorities spoke of 18 suspected cases, of whom six have died. In coming days MSF will set up a center for the treatment of Ebola in Koindu in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. A team of specialists will join the already active center in the Country and will send medical and logistical supplies such as protective clothing kits and medicines to protect health care staff and equip facilities for the treatment of patients. The virus has already infected more than 300 people in West Africa. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 05/06/2014)
