VATICAN - Lent in communion with Christians who suffer

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Paris (Agenzia Fides) - Live "a different Lent " with the mere thought of "Christians in the world who are suffering for Christ's sake": is the invitation addressed to all the faithful in the world by the pontifical right Society "Aid to the Church Need "(ACN): As reported to Fides Agency, the French office of the Society has launched the initiative to dedicate each day of Lent to a reality, a community, a nation where Christians suffer because of their faith. ACS explains in a statement sent to Fides that in the Year of Faith, the Pope's message for Lent 2013 defines a Christian "a person conquered by the love of Christ," and therefore, moved by this love, "is deeply practical and open to the love of one’s neighbor. "With this spirit, every Christian in the world can be in communion of prayer with their persecuted brothers and sisters, in regions far away. To accomplish this, we will use modern means of communication such as the Internet: by registering on the website, you will receive via e-mail a prayer for the Christians in a given country every morning, as well as information on their situation. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 14/02/2013)
