ASIA/MYANMAR-A Bishop:"the natives affected by the cyclone have a strong faith and rebuild the churches"

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Pyay (Agenzia Fides) - The indigenous people affected by Cyclone Giri, violently hit the west coast of the Diocese of Pyay (Myanmar Central West), in autumn 2010 "have a strong faith to continue to worship, to pray tirelessly and are busy rebuildings chapels and churches destroyed by the storm or flood " This is what Bishop Alexandre Pyone Cho, the new Bishop of Pyay, returning from a pastoral visit in the affected areas refers to Fides. The "American bishop" - as his parishioners call him, given his pastoral experience in the United States – is getting to know the territory and population.
Concluded the visit, the Bishop tells Fides: "I met simple people but with unshakable faith. There are people living in remote areas and difficult to reach. They live on agriculture and are helpless victims of natural disasters such as hurricanes or other unpredictable events. Some years ago a plague of rats destroyed the crops of people living in the south of the state of Chin (region of Myanmar,), and for three years suffered from hunger. Now the situation has improved, "he says.
Natives in critical condition today are those who live in the state of Arakan, who have been affected by Cyclone Giri, a category 4 tropical storm that destroyed over 3,000 homes due to floods and landslides. "Crops and plantations were destroyed. Entire villages were wiped out. Caritas Pyay - continues the Bishop - was immediately activated for emergency aid, along with NGOs. We intend to distribute food for at least another month, until the end of the rainy season. The Church of Mynmar is offering its contribution, together and united as one body: this is a beautiful testimony that encourages us a lot. Moreover, all the faithful do not miss their prayers, real power that keeps us going. "
The Diocese of Pyay, a population of 9 million inhabitants, has 24 thousand Catholics, divided into 20 parishes. At least six parishes are located in remote or mountainous areas and include tribal populations. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/05/2011)
