AMERICA/ECUADOR-The three-year training for 200 young missionaries has been completed

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Quito (Agenzia Fides) - The middle school "Cardinal Spellman" in Quito was the scene of the presentation of diplomas to 200 young people from the Missionary Training School. The celebration was held Saturday, April 30, at the end of almost three years of hard work, following the American Missionary Congress, held in Quito in August 2008 (CAM 3-COMLA 8).
The Mass in the chapel of the school, was presided over by the Auxiliary Bishop of Quito, Mgr.René Coba Galarza, concelebrated by 16 priests. Mgr. Coba spoke of the missionary commitment that every young person should take on, addressing the young people in particular who, as good students, had studied and completed their three-year training and were then ready for graduation. The young people who attended came from different parishes of the Archdiocese of Quito, from the area of the Arcadia (in the south) and up to Guayllabamba and Pifo (in the north). After Mass, an academic act was held in the Aula Magna with the 200 new graduates, their families and the authorities of the POM: Mgr.Luis Tapia, a former director of the diocese, and Father Moacir, a Brazilian priest, current diocesan director of POM in Quito. After the words of introduction, the young people were called by name and therefore, in groups, approached the stage to receive their diplomas. After the academic act, it was time to celebrate with lunch in the great courtyard of the school . Now their missionary work and commitment begins! (EC) (Agenzia Fides 05/05/2011)
