AMERICA/ARGENTINA-"With his work man must earn his daily bread," a reflection for Labour Day and in the context of an economic crisis

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Cordoba (Agenzia Fides) - "With his work man must earn his daily bread" is the title of the document of the Social Pastoral Commission of the Archdiocese of Cordoba, Argentina, on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and in the context of a national economic crisis that sees an increase in unemployment, it offers some reflections on human labor.
"In every community, in some way, workers and those who have the means of production or are relative owners must join. In the light of this fundamental structure of any job - in the light of the fact that, ultimately, in any social system, labor and capital are indispensable components of the production process - the union of men in order to secure their rights, remains a constructive factor of social order and solidarity, which one cannot ignore, " says the first part of the document.
"Efforts to secure the rights of workers, who are united by the same profession should always take into account the limitations imposed by the general economic situation in the country. The union demands cannot be transformed into a kind of group or class " selfishness " , although they can and should aim to correct as well - for the common good of society - including everything that is bad in the system of ownership of the means of production or the way to manage and dispose them. Social life and economic social life is certainly like a system of "connected vessels", and every social activity must adapt to this system , that aims to safeguard the rights of particular groups. " This text is based on the encyclical of the Blessed John Paul II, Laborem Exercens.
In conclusion, the Social Pastoral of Cordoba encourages and renews its commitment to "continue to build attitudes such as work culture, employment promotion and creation of more and better jobs, with particular focus on young people, often punished for the ignorance, drugs and confusion. This is everyone's responsibility, the only way we can leave in history the seeds of a serious and responsible task. " (EC) (Agenzia Fides 05/04/2011)
