ASIA/PAKISTAN - Asia Bibi has chickenpox; she is weak but still fasting

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) – Asia Bibi, the Christian woman from Pakistan condemned to death for blasphemy and currently in jail, recently contracted chickenpox with spots all over her body and it is not known who gave her the illness. It is thought to be due to the lack of hygienic conditions in the jail and her dirty clothes and bedsheets. This has weakened her condition substantially. She was already suffering from months in isolation in jail.
The Masihi Foundation, via Fides, issues an alarm: “Now more than ever she needs medical intervention. We are trying to organise this with jail officials. We are truly concerned about her health, that she could deteriorate and die in prison.” Asia, according to her lawyers, should be halting her Lenten fast, given her weakened state. “She prays and fasts a lot, offering her sufferings up to God. We hope that doctors may be able to convince her to start eating well again,” explains Haroon Masih, Director of the Masihi Foundation to Fides.
Meanwhile many around the world continue pray for Asia Bibi and her release. A Franciscan convent of cloistered nuns in Toledo (Spain), an order founded by the St Beatriz de Silva), began a prayer campaign. Sister Mary Immaculate, abbess of the monastery, wrote in a message to Fides: “We are following the case of Asia and we are praying for her and her family, but also for all those who have died to defend her. We are happy that the Holy Father is taken by her cause. We pray that the Lord may grant the grace to Asia to meet the Pope. We pray to God wholeheartedly that one day she may embrace her family.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 7/4/2011)
