VATICAN - Pope's Message: “The great task of evangelisation requires an ever increasing number of people to respond generously to the call of God”

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Vatican (Agenzia Fides) – “The Church, in its depths, has an implicit vocational dimension in its etymological meaning: 'assembly convoked' by God. The Christian life takes its turn in the same vocational dimension which characterises the Church. In the soul of every Christian, Jesus' call to the apostles - “follow me” - sounds again and again, a call that changed their lives forever,” emphasises Benedict XVI in his Message to the second Latin-American Continental Congress for Vocations, promoted by the Department for Vocations and the Ministers of the Latin-American Episcopal Council, held in Cartago, Costa Rica, from 31 January to 5 February (see Fides 13/1/2011).
After noting that the initiative is “in the context of that great missionary impulse promoted by the V General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, in Aparecida,” the Pope points out that “the great task of evangelisation requires an ever increasing number of people to respond generously to the call of God and make a lifelong commitment to the cause of the Gospel. One precious fruit of incisive missionary action, along with a general strengthening of Christian life, is the increase in vocations of special consecration. In some way, the abundance of vocations is an eloquent sign of ecclesial vitality, and of a faith that is deeply experienced by all members of the People of God.”
In his Message Benedict XVI also highlights that “Pastoral care of vocations must be fully integrated into more general pastoral care, and should have a capillary presence in all fields of pastoral work”, and among the many aspects to consider for cultivating vocations, he emphasises the spiritual life, since “vocations are not the result of any human project, or of some efficient organisational strategy,” therefore “it is important to recall the primacy of the life of the spirit as the basis of all pastoral planning”. “We must overcome our self-sufficiency,” continues the Pope, “and approach the Lord with humility, beseeching him to continue to call many. Yet at the same time, the strengthening of our spiritual life must lead us increasingly to identify ourselves with the will of God, and to offer a clearer and more transparent testimony of faith, hope and charity”. In conclusion, the Holy Father reasserted the importance of “personal and community witness to a life of friendship and intimacy with Christ, a total and joyful giving of self to God” in the promotion of vocations, as it “has been and remains an excellent way to awaken in young people the desire to follow the footsteps of Christ. This must be accompanied by the courage to propose to them, with delicacy and respect, the possibility that God may be calling them too.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 2/02/2011)
