ASIA/PHILIPPINES - “President Aquino, confirm the policies for respect for life,” request from activists in the “Month for Life”

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Manila (Agenzia Fides) – President Benigno Aquino should “confirm, absolutely and with legal measures, not just with words, that the Government intends to pursue family and demographic policies in complete respect for the value of human life,” according to Rene Bullecer, representative in the Philippines from the “Human Life International” movement. In an interview with Fides he announced a series of public activities by pro-life groups in February, known as “Month for Life” in the Asian nation.
There have been events, mass manifestations, candlelight prayer vigils, conferences and debates announced in Manila, Cebu and other cities: “We want our leaders and all members of Congress who support pro-life family policies, to know that they have the full support of the entire Filipino people,” said Bullecer.
“This,” he continued, “is a crucial theme which characterises the work of a government. Recently, after a meeting with a Bishop, the Government announced its intention to pursue policies of population control and wanting to adopt policies in line with Christian values. But meanwhile, in practice, Government agencies still continue to pursue the approach of the Document on Reproductive Health that was presented in Parliament,” notes the activist.
Bullecer said that “the Aquino government has already received more than $900 million from agencies such as USAID, UNFPA and other international bodies, pushing for strict population control policies. Therefore, it will be difficult to actually take a step backwards.” Hence, in the “Month for life” Catholics intend “to reaffirm the urgency to protect human life and the family in society and national policies.”
Even Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, Archbishop of Manila, on the eve of the Month for Life (see Fides 29/01/2011) remarked in an interview with Fides that “promoting respect for life in the Country at all levels, both in family policies, which should be oriented to the value of unborn life and responsible parenthood, and in the daily pattern of social life. This is the right path for the country.” (PA) (Agenzia Fides 1/2/2011)
