VATICAN - “Toward an Equitable and Human Health Care”: XXV International Conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “Toward an Equitable and Human Health Care” is the theme for the XXV International Conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, scheduled to be held November 18-19 in the New Synod Hall in Vatican City, and at the Augustinianum Patristics Institute. During the official presentation of the event to the Holy Father Benedict XVI, the President of the Council, Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, stressed that the 2010 event will be enriched by the participation of several highly-qualified figures in the Catholic Church, in the areas of scientific research, diplomacy, the world of health, and the world of economy. Among these is Father Renato Salvatore, Superior General of Camillians, who offered Fides some thoughts on the Church and the promotion of health care.

Fides: How do you think the possibility of offering an “equitable and human” health care to all people should be approached?
Fr. Salvatore: The concept of health care is derived from the consideration of man as created in the image and likeness of God and destined for eternal communion with Him. Christian anthropology has a special scale of values: God comes first and everlasting life takes priority over earthly life. Life is more than just physical health... Thus, the Christian cannot say, for example, "Health is the most important!" In fact, it is a good, but not THE Good. It is also an instrumental good, that is, it is useful in pursuing other important values. In the Christian view, even a physically ill person has the opportunity to live "healthily" if, despite the disease, he remains firm in the determination to realize God's plan for him. Jesus wants to offer every man the fullness of life, his life, and, therefore, an integral health. He is not only a healer, but the Savior. Christ is health: he is the doctor and the medicine; therapist and Savior; the new man and model of the new man. His 'health' is offered to the sick and healthy! He heals us and enables us to heal others who are prisoners of evil, as health promotion is part of building the Kingdom. The Church proclaims, demonstrates, and promotes the idea of health with the proclamation of the Word, the celebration of the sacraments, and the service of charity. The Catholic health care systems are a way of promoting a saving health and a healthy salvation. The growing health research - to the extremes of the medicine of desires - expresses a latent desire for fullness, something beyond this life, of overcoming what is fragile and precarious. This can be interpreted as a question of "salvation." This unconscious search is recognized by the Church in her offering an evangelical “therapy” which directly addresses unhealthy lifestyles. The Church works for the health of people in many ways, particularly with its (about)120,000 social health structures scattered throughout the world. The Church's action differs from that of the state or private entities because of “her concept” of health and of the indissoluble union of love and truth, which the Holy Father reminds us of in the Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate".

Fides: How can a response be made in light of “Caritas in Veritate”?
Fr. Salvatore: The proclamation of Christ is “the first and main factor of development” (Caritas in Veritate, 8) which is truly human and in the construction of a social health system that is really on par with the human person. Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that "authentic human development concerns the whole of the person in every single dimension...In reality, institutions by themselves are not enough, because integral human development is primarily a vocation, and therefore it involves a free assumption of responsibility in solidarity on the part of everyone. Moreover, such development requires a transcendent vision of the person, it needs God” (CV, 11). The Catholic health and social institutions, in responding generously to the needs of the body, cannot overlook the profound needs and nagging questions of the spirit. And the answer, the only one that can satisfy the human heart, is given by the Father through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. Outside the Truth there is no freedom, there is no possibility of real development of the individual nor of a just and fraternal society. History has taught with plenty of examples that God is the supreme defender of the human person, his dignity, his life, and his rights. Adherence to Revelation is the safest form of promotion for all those goods that are crucial prerequisites for the promotion of health: education, work, food, water, housing, peace, freedom to manifest one's religion or express their views ... Whoever is lacking in one or more of these goods will inevitably suffer in his health.

Fides: As Camillians, by your charism you are devoted to the physical and spiritual health of the suffering. What are the Church's missionary efforts in this area?
Fr. Salvatore: Among the priority tasks of the Church is that of "reporting all surrogates of life and health, attacks against the dignity and integrity of the weakest, the unjust distribution of health resources, mechanisms, and structures that prevent the arrival of the poorest to the table of life and health. This commitment, however, requires an equally important effort to promote a new culture of health, on par with the human person, capable of healing illnesses, both personal and structural, in society [...] Finally, of no less importance is the task of showing, with one's life and dedication, that the Gospel is the best source of health, willed by Christ and entrusted to the Church as a gift and a mission. This is the prophecy of new health for a world that is hungering and thirsting for fullness." (Camillian Order, Capitular Document, United for Justice and Solidarity in the World of Health. Camillian Religious and Prophetic Mission, Rome 2007, no. 67). (AP/RS) (Agenzia Fides 11/11/2010)
