ASIA/PAKISTAN - Three humanitarian workers killed by Taliban

Friday, 27 August 2010

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – Three humanitarian workers operating in the Swat Valley, in the northern part of the country, have been killed by Pakistani Taliban while working to bring aid to flood victims. The attack of the fundamentalists, which has also caused several injuries in two villages, took place between August 24 and 25. The tragic news was communicated to Fides by Fr. Robert McCulloch, a priest of the Columban Fathers, a missionary in Pakistan for over 32 years, and was confirmed by local humanitarian organizations. The news of the attack and the death of the three workers - Fides sources say - was withheld by Pakistani military and civilian officials, who tried to prevent the news from leaking into the mass media (given its delicate and serious nature), for fear that word of such incidents could discourage aid agencies working in the area.
The attack by the Taliban on two villages in the Swat Valley, located in the Northwest Frontier Province, left several seriously injured. Also, the fundamentalist groups looted the homes and shops of the two villages, Fides has learned from NGO sources engaged in social development and helping flood victims in the Swat Valley.
"The purpose of these attacks is an attempt to maintain absolute control of the territory in the Swat Valley, where even prior to the flooding there were clashes between the Pakistani army and the fundamentalist militia,” Fr. Robert told Fides. The priest works with eight of his confrères in assisting flood victims.
Just yesterday, the U.S. government and Pakistani authorities had warned about potential attacks of the Taliban on humanitarian workers. Many organizations working in the area, Christian and non-Christian, have spoken clearly saying that they will not be intimidated. Caritas and the Pontifical Mission Societies have told Fides of their intention to continue the work of humanitarian assistance for IDPs without any discrimination. Catholic aid workers in Pakistan told Fides they were "concerned but not surprised by such violent events. Threats and attacks on schools, NGOs, Christian institutions, and centers involved in social services have been occurring for several years in the Swat Valley. The Pakistani Taliban are thus trying to destabilize the local and national government, sowing terror among the population and imposing their law.”
Christians and other religious minorities are among the main victims. Last March, 6 workers from the Christian-based humanitarian NGO "World Vision" were killed by an explosion in the Mansehra district, also in the Northwest Frontier Province. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/27/2010)
