AMERICA/MEXICO - “Vote in Peace” say Mexican Bishops

Friday, 2 July 2010

San Cristobal de Las Casas (Agenzia Fides) – Fides News has received a letter published by Bishop Felipe Arismendi Esquivel, Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas in Mexico, in which he asks that everyone participate in elections this Sunday, July 4 in a responsible manner.
With his usual way of writing (See, Judge, and Act) Bishop Arismendi invites the community to participate in this important event. Here are some important elements of the letter:
See: There will be elections in various states of the country (local governors, municipal presidents, and local representatives), but unfortunately the election environment has been stained with blood, as some of the people who presented themselves in these elections have been killed, not only in Tamaulipas, but also in a region of Chiapas. We read in the letter: "We condemn all violence, no matter which side comes, but worse if it comes from drug traffickers who seek to influence the choice of candidates, eliminating those that do not cooperate with their depraved interests."
Judge: "Bishops, priests, deacons, religious, catechists, and ministers of religion of any creed must not use religion to support candidates of any party." "We must provide the criteria of the Gospel; the Word of God must enlighten consciences to make decisions in agreement with our faith."
Acting: "I respectfully ask political leaders to fight with passion for their proposals, but to control and educate their supporters on mutual respect."
"I repeat my call for responsible participation through voting in elections on Sunday. We must not be apathetic and indifferent. We must try to know the people who lead a political choice, rather than the party." "Nobody should sell his vote or be deceived by promises and gifts. With our vote, free and mature, we can build the social peace that the country needs. The best way to counteract violence is supporting those who create peace and progress for all, especially for the poor and marginalized."
The letter is signed by Bishop Felipe Arismendi Esquivel, Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas, on June 30.
The atmosphere of violence that was unleashed in Mexico a few days before the election has created a climate of distrust among the population, but many church bodies have insisted on bringing calm and peace, especially in Tamaulipas where, on June 28, Rodolfo Torre Cantú of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and four other people were killed. The President of the State Electoral Institute, Jorge Luis Navarro, commented: "Despite the unfortunate events in Tamaulipas, democracy is a value that we must protect and in our hands lies the responsibility for safeguarding the right of suffrage for the people of Tamaulipas." (CE) (Agenzia Fides 02/07/2010)
