AMERICA/MEXICO - Archbishop of Tuxtla on Human Rights Day: “The Church will always try to see to it that these rights are applied to all persons in all stages of their life.”

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Tuxtla (Agenzia Fides) - "The Dignity of the Human Person, Foundation of Human Rights" is the title of the letter by Archbishop Rogelio Cabrera López of Tuxtla, Mexico, sent to Fides. "I wish to address the issue of human rights because December 10 around the world, the day proposed by the General Assembly of the United Nations is celebrated,” says the text . “There is no doubt that the work to secure the rights of every man and every woman has been and will be difficult, since it requires awareness that every human being is to be respected and promoted. Moreover, the observance of these rights will be the foundation of the realization of freedom, justice, peace, and development of peoples."
The Archbishop went on to stress that "human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, without distinction of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or other status. We all have the same human rights without discrimination. These rights are interrelated, interdependent, and indivisible. "
The government and authorities are assigned the duty "to not only recognize, but also to respect and defend these rights," as well as monitor their implementation within the limits prescribed by law. The following must be respected: civil and political rights, social, cultural and economic rights of peoples, and solidarity. "The Church will always try to see to it that these rights are applied to all persons in all stages of their life, as we said during the Fifth Conference of Aparecida: 'Our fidelity to the Gospel requires us to announce in all the public and private Areopagi in the world today, and in all the instances of the life and mission of the Church, the truth about man and the dignity of every human person.'"(CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/12/2009)
