AMERICA/CHILE - Message from the Bishops at the close of their Plenary Assembly: “The country cannot renounce the great values on which it has been built, values that the Church declares irrevocable.”

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Las Casas (Agenzia Fides) – In the final message at the close of the 97th Plenary Assembly held April 20-24, the Chilean Bishops' Conference (CECh) once more called to mind the fact that “the Church, disciple of the Gospel of Life, is opposed to all medical interventions conducted with the purpose of eliminating unborn life.” They also recall that “nothing and no one can do away with the vocation that God, Creator and Redeemer, has given every human life: to participate in His love, happiness, and peace.” Thus, they show their concern for the fact that “such a serious issue, as is what is falsely determined 'therapeutic abortion,' has arisen in regards to the elections.” The text says: “A Christian should be an artisan and witness to the culture of life and is called to defend and protect life always, without exceptions.”
As for the crisis, the Bishops show special concern for the poor, as well as the situation of the immense majority of the middle class in the country. “From our dioceses, we know well how the crisis is affecting many families and inhabitants.” The Prelates comment that “the world financial crisis, whose negative consequences we perceive on a daily basis, have much more serious roots that have to do with ethical values and therefore, moral life.” Thus, they make an appeal to communities, calling for solidarity and to be responsible in managing sources of employment and appeal to the “creativity and social responsibility of the State, of business owners and workers themselves, not to lose the sources of employment and to promote new forms of employment” and to “find ways to build an economy that respects notions of equality, justice, and the common good, and opens doors to the poor, so that they can live in conformation with human dignity.”
The Bishops also recall the upcoming festivities for the Bicentennial Anniversary of Chile, which will be preceded by Presidential and Parliamentary elections. “We hope to once more embrace the 'soul of Chile,' they say. They also mention the fact that the country “cannot renounce the family, based on marriage; the dignity of every human life; solidarity with the poor; the right and duty of parents to educate their children; religious freedom, and other values that the Church declares irrevocable.”
They also make an appeal to Christians working in political life, asking them to offer “the testimony of faith, aware of the fact that the Gospel principles they profess will always be the deciding factors in their decision-making,” and asking all Catholics to cultivate their spiritual life and profound faith, as it is only from there that “they will be able to be inspired with the most convenient initiatives in responding to the present situation and the spiritual and material needs of Chile's people...”
Other topics addressed by the Bishops included the environment and what Christians should do in protecting it, etc and in reference to the publishing of a document “that aids in the awareness and commitment to protecting creation, especially in terms of human life and its development in the family and in society.”
They have also considered in great detail “the situation of the indigenous communities, the identity and culture of these peoples, their lands and rights, which should be safeguarded in an environment of dialogue and rejecting violence.” And lastly, they have not forgotten their pastoral concern for “the errors and weaknesses of all of us and several morally unacceptable situations on the part of priests that leave such great suffering in their victims, as well as in our national community. This greatly saddens us. We must reproach them, as they clearly separate themselves from our vocation and mission, which thanks be to God, the great majority of the priests in our Church are faithful to.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 29/4/2009)
