AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - “There are encouraging signs, but the country is in need of aid from all of us,” a missionary from Sierra Leone says

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Freetown (Agenzia Fides) - “After the peaceful and democratic elections of last year, it is evident that all Sierra Leone is making an effort to change the bad habits and negative aspects of the past and build a better, more livable world,” Agenzia Fides was told by Fr. Gerardo Caglioni, Javerian missionary, who knows well the history of Sierra Leone, where he has lived for several years now. In September 2007, Ernest Koroma was elected President (see Fides 17/9/2007). “President Koroma, a Christian, is making an effort to improve the country, which is still at the bottom of the list of the world's nations, as far as development and progress is concerned,” Fr. Caglioni said.
“You can just imagine the difficulties and obstacles that there are in trying to change the country, even just a little bit...And now, there is the Latin American drug-trafficking lobby, which is trying to establish itself in Sierra Leone, as well, as it is a strategic location for Western Africa, in order to transport these lethal products to our beloved Europe. It should also be noted all that occurred this past summer, when in July, in the airport of Lungi, a shipment of 700 kg of drugs was found, coming from South America” (see Fides 21/7/2008).
Since last September, as well, the UN contingent has concluded its peace-keeping mission in Sierra Leone and has definitively left the country.
“There will probably be a long wait, with great impatience, as it is only through baby steps that we can make a common effort to build a better nation. Thus, we will be able to see a great improvement in the decency of life and a society that is a bit more just. The government and the President appear to be making serious efforts to make the necessary changes, however it is also evident that they are in need of foreign partnerships, in order to maintain a positive tension of reform and fight against the drug traffickers.”
The missionary continued: “At the same time, we cannot forget the great world crisis, especially as it affects the prices of general food products and fuel. It has especially affected the lives of the people of Sierra Leone, who have no social recourses or pension. In this case, it is only our charity that can be of help to them. Even if it is a small amount, it is essential and necessary. This seems to be the message that Christmas is echoing in our hearts. God-who has shared in our human nature-gives us this possibility: to share in the 'nature' of the poor, so as to imitate this power and ability of God to come to us.”
“This year, in December, we will also be celebrating the birth of the Javerian Bishop Augusto F. Azzolini, who founded (with another three great pioneers: Fr. Calza, Stefani, and Oliviani) the Catholic mission in northern Sierra Leone. Bishop Azzolini, along with his collaborators, carried out a work of human and Christian promotion among the Muslims of Sierra Leone and thus established the first group of Christians and the first Church among them. He established schools, in the midst of a simple culture, and made them accessible to a new method and style, to place people in contact with the Gospel and gave them the dignity of sons of God, through Christianity. In Parma (Italy), the land of his origin, they are spreading word of this man who was so important in the history of this African nation,” Fr. Caglioni concluded. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 10/12/2008)
