EUROPE/ITALY - Comboni web site also in Spanish

Friday, 12 October 2007

Roma (Agenzia Fides) - On 10 October the feast day of St Daniele Comboni, the Comboni Missionary Sisters opened the Spanish page of the Institute's official web site A statement sent to Fides said the date was chosen because it marked the 150th anniversary of the departure of the first Mazziano group for Africa, and among them was the young Daniele Comboni, and 130 years since the departure for Africa of the first group of Comboni missionary Sisters.
The Comboni Sisters' statement reads: “The opening of the page in Spanish which follows only months after the opening of the page in English, confirms once again the same audacity shown by the first Sisters who, fired by a passion to announce the Good News of the Kingdom, had the courage to walk new roads, to go beyond their frontiers. Universality, so dear to the heart of Daniele Comboni, becomes visible on our web site which from today speaks three languages: Italian, English and Spanish and we are working to produce a French and a Portuguese section. The Sisters are determined to continue to sail in ever deeper waters and share the joy of being women of the Gospel for ad gentes mission today”. Info: Ufficio stampa Combonisisterspress - Viale Tito Livio 24 Roma - Tel. 06.355.561. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2007; righe 16, parole 225)
