Croix-des-Bouquets (Agenzia Fides) - "The Haitian population is rebelling against rampant violence and kidnappings at the hands of armed gangs", writes to Agenzia Fides Father Nestor Fils-Aimé, Provincial Superior of Canada for the Clerics of Saint Viator (CSV). "In a context of constitutional vacuum and judicial impunity, the population is reacting to try to remedy the many sufferings of years of violence. For two weeks - explains the missionary - fear on the Caribbean island has been replaced by reactions that unfortunately are not always peaceful. To give a few examples, more than 200 bandits have recently been attacked, barricades have been built in several neighborhoods and cars are being inspected to see if they carry weapons".
"The concept of how to obtain justice - adds Fr. Nestor – is very diverse. We missionaries deplore the situation, but we understand it because the people feel abandoned to their fate. The population does not want a military intervention by the UN, which would not solve the problems but would aggravate them. Today, a military intervention would only benefit the government of Ariel Henri and his henchmen. We, Missionary Clerics of Saint Viator continue to live and share the suffering, but also the hope of the Haitian people".
The CSV Provincial Superior spoke again about his confrere, Fr. Jean-Yves Médidor, kidnapped by a gang of criminals on March 10, 2023 (see Fides, 14/3/2023) and released on March 22, 2023 (see Fides, 23/3/2023).
"Since his release, Father Médidor has left his residence school in Croix-des-Bouquets and is being followed by a psychologist with whom he is overcoming the days of his kidnapping. He is well and will return to the parish soon. Next year we plan to leave the area where the school is located. We will close until a security regime is established". The one hundred pupils of the "Institution Mixte Saint-Viateur" will be transferred to makeshift classrooms which will be set up in the Parish of Christ-Roi, for which Father Médidor is responsible, in another neighborhood of Croix-des-Bouquets.
The social context on the Caribbean island has further deteriorated since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 and the population finds itself in a fight for justice and security. (NFA/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 9/5/2023)