Friborg (Agenzia Fides) - "Children need our help. Let's not forget them!" is the exhortation with which the Star Singers of the Pontifical Missionary Society of Holy Childhood (POSI) are preparing to start their annual solidarity activity according to the criteria of flexibility and creativity. This fifteenth edition of missionary activity in French-speaking Switzerland, which will take place as always during the Advent and Epiphany period, will indeed have to adapt to the situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. As reported in the note sent to Agenzia Fides, the National Direction of Missio provided the animators with a list of recommendations allowing them to act in compliance with the health guidelines issued by the federal health authorities, the diocese and their canton.
"We at Missio are aware that the recommended measures require further efforts on the part of the Star Singers Animators and groups of children. However, with the creativity, the action of the Star Singers will bring joy in one way or another in this dark period", explains Nadia Brügger, of Missio-Children, who coordinates the action in French-speaking Switzerland. A guide was also produced for the Animators of the Star Singers groups, with a series of recommendations taking into account the various possible contexts. "The goal is for the Star Singers to be able to carry out their activities in accordance with health guidelines, and in a flexible and creative manner. We propose, for example, to recite the blessing under the windows of houses, to collect the offerings with a fishing net or through bank cards rather than in a piggy bank", adds Nadia Brügger.
There is also a "plan B" in case it is impossible for the Star Singers to go from door to door, an alternative which relies on the use of digital instruments. In addition to collecting donations through a TWINT QR code, an "Online Tour" of the Star Singers will also be available. The donations collected will go to two child aid projects, supported by Missio in Guinea, and will also finance other projects in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. "The situation of children in some countries has worsened in recent months due to the lockdown and economic consequences. They need our support more than ever. Let's not forget them", concludes Nadia Brügger. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 6/11/2020)