Bereina (Agenzia Fides) - "The missionary world has always attracted me from an early age, I was passionate about browsing through and reading missionary magazines. I remember the Missionary Month lived in the parish and in the diocese. I remember the moneybox of Missionary Childhood that was given to us at catechism and that I did everything possible to fill it in order to give it back for the poor". This is what Sister Anna Piccolin, missionary of the Cavanis Jesus Good Shepherd Fraternity in Bereina says to Agenzia Fides. "Despite a long period of resistance - continues the nun - love for the mission sprouted in that land and never died".
"I have been a missionary in Papua New Guinea for some years. I have a religious friend, a missionary in Karamoja, Uganda, with whom we exchanged photos and ideas for the October Missionary Month and this opened my heart 360°. Both Italians, I in Oceania, she in Africa, so distant yet so close, because animated by the same Spirit that pushed us to go to the ends of the earth".
"In these days - says Sister Anna - together with the children and people in the villages, we prayed the Missionary Rosary for the missionaries scattered all over the world. Among the initiatives carried out, a special prayer on behalf of Sister Basilia, originally from Bereina and now missionary of the Immaculate in Brazil, accompanied us. Many here do not even know where Brazil or Uganda are! Although we do not have a missionary group that supports her financially, along with the children and youth, we prayed for her and formed a bond of friendship. It was a nice surprise to see photos of her on a mission and read and listen to her testimony. 'One of us, a missionary in Brazil !!!', they exclaim.
"Missionary Month has become a circle of friendship, closeness and support. Every week a missionary testimony was read at school from one of the five continents and every week we sent stories from our mission to friends and relatives in Italy. During World Mission Day, our missionary cross was placed under the altar to welcome the five candles from the five continents for which we have raised our prayers". The missionary adds that "these signs will remain imprinted in the hearts of children and young people and who knows, one day perhaps they will provoke a missionary impulse that will be difficult to silence".
Sister Piccolin concludes with Sister Basilia's words to her family in Bereina: "Do not be afraid to say yes to God. Your brother and sister who are suffering on the other side of the world are waiting for you. How long will you keep them waiting? The time to say yes is now!" (AP/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 27/10/2020)