Kolowaré (Agenzia Fides) - Tensions and discontent in the Country due to President Faure Gnassingbé's hesitation to leave power continue (see Fides 21/2/2018).
The struggle of the Togolese people is complex, the Togolese are not violent by nature. And this explains the longevity of this bloody tyranny.
The Christian communities and the Togolese Church all remain involved and engaged in a spirit of prayer and actions of solidarity for the most vulnerable population.
"How many times have we desired that the condition of our people marked by calamity, servitude, misery, death, is transformed into life, a life not only celebrated, but a life that fights against hatred, violence, war, death", writes Father Silvano Galli to Fides, a priest of the Society of African Missions, from Togo.
"We begin today the Great Week dominated by the mystery of suffering, death, resurrection of Jesus, Son of God", the missionary continues, commenting on the long period of uncertainty that the country is experiencing, the consequent instability and repercussions on the population.
"Among the various initiatives to fight against these germs of death and transform them into seeds of life carried out by the community of Kolowaré during Lent, of which I am parish priest, is not of striking gestures, but focused on humble, concrete, effective and useful actions", highlights Father Silvano. "It is through these little gestures towards the neediest that a wonderful weaving work is constructed, in which the true face of God is portrayed", concludes the priest. (SG/AP) (Agenzia Fides, 26/3/2018)