EUROPE/ITALY “Missionaries of Prayer ” - A Contribution from the Abbess of the Benedictine Abbey of Rosano for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Friday, 27 April 2007

Rosano (Fides Service) - The profound union which exists between contemplative life and missionary activity is a constant in the life of the Church and it draws its essential significance from the life of the Lord, who became man to bring the good news to all men and women, and lived his brief earthly existence in a hidden life of poverty interwoven with prayer and work but made supremely fecund by that total oblation to the Father which can be summaries in the words “I come O God to do Thy will ”.
Every nun is deeply aware of their mission, this longing to make the Gospel the good news reach the far corners of the earth and she does so with the means proper to the contemplative life of an enclosed order. Her prayer, constant and generous commitment to a conversion which reaches the deepest fibres of the being, the sacrifice almost always hidden and inglorious, as it presents itself in the events of day to day living, all this rises up to the heart of God and from it re-descends as leaven of grace to open a horizon of light there where the name of Christ is still not known, to prepare silently minds and hearts to welcome the astonishing news of a God who becomes man out of love for man and dies out of love to save him.
One most specific character of our vocation is never to know concretely the fruits of our life, never see the smile of those who receive the comfort of our prayer, never hear the grateful thanks of those we have helped and this renders the gift absolutely freely given, it puts it at the disposal of God who sends it where He alone see the necessity, He alone hears the anguished cry, at times desperate, of those who suffer from solitude even among other people, of those who are poor even amidst riches, to those in the darkness without the light of the faith, unable to give real meaning to life.
The missionaries of come to our Convent speak to us of horizons to which, although distant, some very distant in space, we are surprisingly close. How often in their tales we glimpse the loving hand of God who foresees, solves seemingly insoluble situations, who gives strength, courage and perseverance to those who amidst great fatigue, risk and suffering announce the Kingdom. They and we are aware that the Almighty God, who needs nothing and no one, wished to associate his creature in his work of Salvation, that that hand filled with every grace is happy to distribute even the tiny gift which our love with patience and perseverance has made for our brothers and sisters.
A couple of years ago from a distant mission we received a large parcel of seeds with which to make rosary beads, Mother superior had one made for each nun and we were given it on our feast day. As the beads run through our hands as we hasten along the cloisters or long corridors or when in front of the tabernacle, source and summit of our contemplative life, we feel that though the maternal hand of Mary, we are able to make a light but effective caress reach all our brothers and sisters who thanks to the efforts of those who have dedicated their lives to God in prayer and mission now know and believe in Love. Mother Maria Stefania Robione OSB. (Agenzia Fides 27/4/2007 - righe 41, parole 604)
