VATICAN - Message of Pope Benedict XVI to 9th International YouthForum: “Today more than ever it is necessary and urgent to proclaim ‘the Gospel of Work, to live as Christians in the world of work and be apostles among workers”

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Vatican City (Fides Service) - The “ultimate reference of all human activity can only be man, created in the image and likeness of God” Pope Benedict XVI said in a special message for participants of a youth forum on the theme “Christ’s witnesses in the world of work”, organised by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and held at Rocca di Papa (see Fides 21/3/2007). In his message addressed to Council president Archbishop Stanisław Ryłko, Holy Father underlines the importance “valorise the human dimension of work and safeguard the dignity of the person”, because the “ultimate reference of all human activity can only be man, created in the image and likeness of God”.
Underlining the relevance of the theme chosen, the Holy Father highlights the changes in recent times “which have radically modified the physiognomy and conditions of the labour market. On the one hand progress has given young people new hope, on the other it has produced concerning forms of marginalisation and exploitation with increasing situations of personal discomfort”. He recalls that it is increasingly more difficult to find a job suited to personal aptitudes and studies. “The process of globalisation has brought with it a demand for mobility which obliges many young people to emigrate and live far from their country and family. And this produces a disquieting sense of insecurity and has unquestionable repercussions on the capacity not only to imagine and start a project for the future but also to make concrete commitment in marriage and the building of a family”.
The Church has always shown concern for issues, work in particular, as can be seen by the three encyclicals: Rerum novarum 1891, Quadragesimo anno 1931 and Laborem exercens 1981. “These papal documents - the Holy Father writes - emphasise the need to valorise the human dimension of work and safeguard the dignity of the person: in fact ultimate reference of all human activity can only be man, created in the image and likeness of God”. A careful analysis of the situation shows that work is part of God’s plan for mankind indeed it means sharing in God’s own work of creation and redemption. Therefore all human activity should be an occasion and opportunity for growth of individuals and society, development of personal ‘talents’ to valorise and put at the service of the common good in a spirit of justice and solidarity. For believers the ultimate finality of work of the building of the Kingdom of God.”
After calling on the young participants at the Forum, “to appreciate the dialogue and reflection of these days”, Pope Benedict XVI writes : “Today more than ever it is necessary and urgent proclaim ‘the Gospel of Work’, to live as Christians in the world of work and be apostles among workers. To carry out this mission you must be united with Christ through prayer and an intense sacramental life, giving special value to Sunday, the Lord’s day”. The Pope encourages the young people “not to lose heart in the face of difficulties” and invites them to join him in St Peter’s Square for Palm Sunday Mass which is also the 22nd World Youth Day. He concludes: “What counts is not merely being ‘competitive’ and ‘productive’, but being ‘witnesses of charity. This is the only way in which with the support of parishes, movements and communities, you young people can experience the greatness and vitality of the Church and live work as a vocation and real mission.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 31/3/2007, righe 43, parole 621)
