VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI makes the teaching of Saint Ireneus, Bishop of Lyons the subject of his weekly catechesis: “All the Churches must be in harmony with the Church of Rome, recognising in her the measure of authentic apostolic tradition, the one common faith of the Church”

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The figure of Saint Ireneus, Bishop of Lyons, “eminent person … Bishop, man of faith”, was the subject of the weekly catechesis given by Pope Benedict XVI at the general audience in St Peter’s Square on 28 March. Born in Smyrna, today Izmir, in Turkey, around 135-140, Ireneus moved to Gallia at a time when the first Christian community of Lyons was developing and was sent to Rome with a letter from his community for Pope Eleuterio. In this way Ireneus escaped the persecution of Marcus Aurelius in which at least forty four Christians including, Potin Bishop of Lyons were martyred. On his return Ireneus was elected Bishop of Lyons, a responsibility which he held probably until his martyrdom around 202-203.
Like every good bishop Ireneus “had richness of doctrine, missionary ardour - the Pope said -. As an author he pursues a twofold goal: to defend the true doctrine from attacks by heretics and explain clearly the truths of the faith … deeply rooted in the biblical doctrine of creation, Ireneus confutes dualism and Gnostic pessimism which devalue corporal realities. He claims with conviction the original holiness of matter, the body, the flesh and not least the spirit. However his work went far beyond confutation of heresies: we can say he was the Church’s first great Theologian who created systematic theology; he actually speaks of a system of theology, the internal coherence of the whole faith. At the centre of his doctrine lies the question of the "rule of faith" and its handing on. For Ireneus the "rule of faith" coincides in practice with the Creed of the Apostles and gives us the key to understanding the Gospel, to interpreting the Creed in the light of the Gospel. The Apostolic Symbol, which is a sort of summary of the Gospel, helps us to understand what the Gospel says and how it should be read”.
The Pope said that according to Ireneus “authentic teaching is not that invented by intellectuals over and above the simple faith of the Church. The true Gospel is the one imparted by the bishops who received it from the Apostles in an uninterrupted chain. They taught no more than this simple faith, which is also the real profundity of God's revelation… the faith which the Church publicly confesses is the faith common to all. Only this faith is apostolic, coming from the Apostles that is from Jesus, from God. In adhering to the faith publicly transmitted by the Apostles to their successors, Christians must follow what bishops say, they must especially consider the teaching of the Church of Rome, preeminent and of earliest origin. Because of her antiquity this Church has the greatest degree of apostolicity ... and has her origins in the columns of the apostolic college, Peter and Paul. All the Churches must be in harmony with the Church of Rome, recognising in her the measure of authentic apostolic tradition, the one common faith of the Church.”
According to Ireneus, the genuine concept of Apostolic Tradition can be summarised in three points: a) Apostolic Tradition is "public", not private or secret. “For Ireneus there is no doubt that the content of the faith handed on by the Church is what the Apostles received from Jesus, the Son of God. There exists no other teaching”. b) Apostolic Tradition is "one" in its fundamental contents and being one, “it creates unity among peoples, different cultures; it is a common content like the truth, despite diversity of languages and cultures”. c) Apostolic Tradition is "pneumatic", or spiritual, guided by the Holy Spirit. “This handing down is entrusted not to the ability of men more or less gifted, but to the Spirit of God who guarantees the fidelity of the handing down of the faith. This is the "life" of the Church, this is what renders the Church forever new and young, fecund with many charismas”.
The Pope concluded “for Ireneus, the faith of the Church must be handed on in such a way that it appears to be as it should "public", "one", "pneumatic", "spiritual"… In the doctrine of Ireneus the dignity of the human person, body and soul, is soundly rooted in divine creation, in the image of Christ and in the Spirit’s on-going work of sanctification. This doctrine is like a "master path" for explaining to all men and women of goodwill the object and confines of dialogue on values, and to give ever new impulse to the Church’s missionary activity, to the power of truth which is the source of all the true values of the world.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 29/3/2007 - righe 51, parole 747)
