Friday, 3 October 2003

Rome (Fides Service) – Where there are Sisters, mission is solid ” Daniele Comboni (1831-1881) used to say in days when few people recognised the importance of the “female genius” in every sphere of human activity, including evangelisation. On this aspect Fides interviewed Sr. Adele Brambilla, Superior General of the Comboni Missionary Sisters.

Daniele Comboni was one of the first to support the role of women in the Church’s missionary activity considering it, in certain cases, even more necessary than that of men.
Comboni was certainly ahead of his times. His first impression of Africa was a torment: he felt there was no time to lose. While in deep contemplation of Christ in the Cross he conceived a plan. It was essentially: Saving Africa with Africa”. In his plan he had the courage to introduce something new: the omnipotent mission of the woman of the Gospel.
For Comboni the role of the missionary sister is not only essential it is indispensable for mission ad gentes. On 1 January 1872 convinced of this he established a female Institute. He called them the Pious Mothers of Nigrizia – mothers: Comboni wanted women entirely dedicated to an arduous and difficult mission “where there are sisters mission is solid”. He recognises the role of the one who generates, bears life with indomitable courage, tenacity, patience and spirit of sacrifice. He wants women who are holy and capable…in love with God and humanity. Able to share the cause of the most abandoned.
Comboni was convinced that mission without women was impossible. He never doubted this and without blushing he cited as one of the main reasons for the success of his missionary work: “…in the apostolate in Central Africa I the first included the omnipotent ministry of the woman of the Gospel and of the Sister of charity, who is the shield, force, guarantor of the ministry of the missionary”. (S 5284). Comboni realised that he could not reach the heart of African society without reaching the woman and he knew that, above all in the Muslim context, he could not reach woman without woman, without the Sister. Comboni knew their can be no fatherhood without motherhood. He said: “Sisters reach places others cannot reach” In Comboni’s life there are two women who had a great influence on him: his mother a woman of great faith and Mary, the Mother of Jesus with whom Comboni had a deep, intimate relationship. Mary was his strength, his comfort, his counsel, the woman of hope the Mother of his Nigrizia: to Mary he consecrated Africa, his mission, himself”. (Fides Service 3/10/2003 EM lines 38 Words: 478)
