VATICAN - The Pope at the Angelus on the Feast of Christ the King says “He came not to dominate peoples and territories, but to free man from the slavery of sin and reconcile him with God”. The Pope asks people to pray for his visit to Turkey “may this pilgrimage bear fruit as God desires”

Monday, 27 November 2006

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On the last Sunday of the Liturgical year the Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King, and on November 26th during his Angelus discourse Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the Gospel of the day, which proposed the passage where Pontius Pilate questions Jesus accused of proclaiming himself "king of the Jews". “Jesus replies that he is King but not of this world - the Pope said -. He came not to dominate peoples and territories, but to free man from the slavery of sin and reconcile him with God”.”
The truth which Christ came to reveal to the world with his whole life is that “God is love: this is the truth to which He bore full witness by sacrificing his life on Calvary. The Cross is the ‘throne’ from which He revealed the sublime sovereignty of God who is Love: offering himself in expiation for the sins of the world, He defeated the dominion of the ‘prince of this world and installed definitively the Kingdom of God”. The Kingdom will be fully revealed at the end of time when “the Son will hand the Kingdom over to the Father and at last God will be ‘all in all’. The path to this destination is long - the Pope said - and there are no shortcuts: each of us is called to freely accept the truth of God’s love. He is Love and Truth, and love and truth never impose themselves: they knock at the door of the heart and mind and, wherever they are welcomed, they bring peace and joy”. The Holy Father urged those present to pray for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary “associated in a most singular manner” with the sovereignty of Christ, “that God’s love may reign in all hearts and His plan of justice and peace be fulfilled”.
After the Marian prayer the Pope said: “As you know in the coming days I will make a visit to Turkey. I wish to send warm greetings to the beloved people of Turkey rich in history and culture; to the nation and its representatives I express sentiments of esteem and sincere friendship. With profound emotion I look forward to meeting the small Catholic Community, always present in my heart, and to paying a fraternal visit to the Orthodox Church on the occasion of the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle. With confidence I will follow in the footsteps of my venerable predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II; and I invoke the heavenly protection of Blessed John XXIII, for ten years Apostolic Delegate in Turkey, a country he loved and admired. I ask you all to accompany me with prayers that this pilgrimage may bear fruit as God desires”. Pope Benedict XVI then recalled that 1 December is World AIDS Day: “I sincerely hope this occasion will foster increased responsibility to treat the disease and commitment to avoid all discrimination with regard to the people affected”.
Speaking in Italian the Pope addressed the participants at the 28th National Conference on Sacred Music. “Dear friends I am happy that you commemorated the great Maestro Lorenzo Perosi fifty years since his death, former director of the Choir of the Cappella Sistina and who left musical works of deep religious inspiration. I hope you may all be authentic evangelisers with the expression of the beauty and harmony of your musical art.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 27/11/2006 - righe 40, parole 609)
