Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The recently published Korean Catholic Encyclopaedia is a mine of valuable information in many areas Catholic theology, history, culture, activities, figures, martyrs and the life of the Catholic Church in Korea. The promoters of the work, The Foundation for Research on the History of the Catholic Church in Korea, recently received the Catholic Academic Award for the publication.
Receiving the award Foundation director Fr Joseph Kim Soeng-tae, said: “The Encyclopaedia is the fruit of 13 years of intense work involving many scholars. It belongs not only to the Foundation but to the whole Church in Korea and to all Korean Catholics wherever they are in the world. We hope it will help the faithful deepen their knowledge of Catholic doctrine and their Christian spiritual life and that it may also serve to promote Catholic academic activities in Korea. We are confident the encyclopaedia will bear copious fruit ”.
Bishop Basil Cho Kyuma, auxiliary of Seoul, expressed congratulations and said: “The Korean Catholic Encyclopaedia is an important work which will certainly help nourish the faith of the people. Faith is nourished by reason. Pope John Paul II wrote in Fides et Ratio encyclical that faith and reason are two wings of the spirit which uplift the person to contemplate the truth. I think this encyclopaedia is a great contribution to reason, one of the wings to draw closer to God”.
The Catholic Academic Award was instituted in 1997 by the Catholic Times in memory of Catholic lay theologian Yang (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/10/2006 righe 26 parole 266)