Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Overcoming hatred with love” is the title of a message to Hindus for the Feast of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, written by Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. With Diwali, the Cardinal writes in his English-language message, Hindus celebrate "the victory of truth over untruth, light over darkness, good over evil and life over death”. The feast on 21 October, is a three day period for reconciliation in families, particularly between brothers and sisters, and adoration of God.
“The reality of love is closely connected to truth, light, goodness and life. I would like to reflect on this theme of love, through which believers of different religions are invited to overcome the evil of hatred and distrust in contemporary society. The recent terrorist bomb attacks in Mumbai, India, are yet another example of these phenomena which so often end in brutal violence. I am sure that, enriched in the light of our particular religious traditions, our resolve to invite all believers to overcome hatred by love will benefit society at large”. Taking inspiration from the Deus caritas est encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI the Cardinal underlines that “God is the source and fullness of all love. Our love for one another becomes worthy of its name only when it has its source in God and is nourished by our union with the same God … God loves us all without exception and his love is unconditional. Our human response to God’s love must be spelt out in concrete stewardship of God’s creatures, especially to human beings”.
The President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue continues: “it is urgent and necessary that believers of different religions manifest jointly to the world that hatred can be overcome by love. In today’s complex societies, is it not possible for us to join hands and collaborate in seeking justice for all, working together on common projects, for the development of the downtrodden, the marginalised, the destitute, the orphan and the weak?... Love creates trust, which in turn, promotes genuine relationships among believers of different religions.” The message ends recalling that love is light and this light is Jesus: “May our love finally overcome the darkness of hatred in the world! (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 16/10/2006; righe 28, parole 409)